Radio and Podcast Clips
Here are a selection of audio clips from Radio 4's Last Word, an interview with Liz Barclay, the Guardian Science Weekly podcast, BBC 5 live's Daily Bacon, and BBC Newshour.
These clips and more are available on my Soundcloud

Late Night Newshour: Tim Hunt and gender equality in science
An interview on BBC Radio 5 live's Late Night Newshour about Tim Hunt comments "the trouble with girls is when you criticise them they cry". I discuss why this comment could be damaging, at 1min52. 10th June 2015
Last Word, BBC Radio 4
A compilation of clips where I explain the work of Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Frederick Sanger and cancer geneticist Janet D Rowley. 22nd November 2013 / 10th January 2014.
Liz Barclay Interview:
women in science
A selection of clips of an interview with Liz Barclay about science education, my role as a teacher in encouraging more girls to study science, and why I feel there there are still so few women in science. January 2013.
Guardian Science Weekly podcast: gut bacteria
I am a regular guest on the Guardian Science Weekly podcast. Here I discuss the potential of our gut bacteria - yes, poo! - as diagnostic markers for disease. 17th February 2014.
BBC Newshour: female scientist LEGO figurines
A piece on BBC Newshour (BBC World Service) about the new LEGO female scientist figurines. First, some children's opinions, then I give my thoughts on them at 1min35.
5th June 2014.
BBC Radio 5 live Daily Bacon: atoms and molecules
I explain to Richard Bacon the difference between atoms, molecules, ions and compounds... and how they apply to everyday life.
24th Feb 2014
Bacon's Theory: bad memories
On Richard Bacon's weekly science show I explain how scientists have found a way to erase painful memories in mice - and the implications this may have for people with post-traumatic stress disorder.
24th Feb 2014
Guardian Science Weekly podcast: Longitude Prize Special
We debate which 21st century problem should be the focus of the Longitude Prize. Contenders are introduced by Lord Martin Rees and Dame Sally Davis and then I kick off the discussion by fighting for antiobiotoc resistance (at 20mins).